Are Veneers Permanent?

Dentist placing dental veneers

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic treatment to disguise flaws in your smile. They are considered a long-lasting dental treatment but must eventually be replaced due to wear and tear. Learning about their longevity is essential if you’re considering getting veneers to brighten your smile.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells bonded to the front surface of a tooth. They can be made from porcelain, resin, or acrylic and are used to correct various cosmetic concerns, such as gaps, chips, and stains.

Are Dental Veneers Permanent?

Dental veneers are considered a permanent, irreversible treatment since 0.5 mm of the tooth’s top enamel layer needs to be removed for the veneer to fit. Unlike dental bonding, which needs to be redone every few years, veneers can last for decades. However, just like your natural teeth, veneers don’t last forever. They experience staining over time and will eventually need to be replaced.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Generally, veneers are considered very durable; composite veneers can last around 5 to 10 years, while porcelain veneers can last 10 to 20 years. However, the lifespan of your veneers ultimately depends on how well you take care of them.

How to Help Your Veneers Last

If you want your veneers to last as long as possible, here’s what you can do:

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Although veneers resist acid erosion and decay, they don’t protect your teeth against cavities. Brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily when you have veneers is essential. This cleans food and plaque from your veneers and your natural teeth.

However, be gentle when brushing your teeth, as scrubbing too hard or snapping the floss upward from your gums can loosen the veneers and dental cement.

Eat and Drink Well

Biting hard or chewy food can loosen or chip your veneers. Coffee and other highly pigmented foods and drinks can stain your teeth and veneers. Try to limit your consumption, and rinse your mouth with fresh water afterward to reduce the likelihood of staining.

Protect Against Injury

If you play sports, it’s important to wear a mouthguard. Impact or injury to the mouth can damage your veneers, just like it can damage your natural teeth. You should also wear a protective guard at night if you suffer from bruxism.

Avoid Biting Hard Objects

Whether your veneers are porcelain, resin, or acrylic, they can chip or crack like natural teeth. Avoid biting your nails, using your teeth to open packages or similar actions that use your teeth as tools.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Visiting the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings keeps your veneers and natural teeth in good shape. They can also check for damage to the teeth underneath and remove built-up tartar that could stain your veneers.

Style Your Smile at Valley Dental Care

New veneers may be the perfect solution for you if you want a beautiful, natural-looking smile. At Valley Dental Care, our experienced team can help you choose and maintain a tooth treatment that’s right for you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.